No One Told Me

No One Told Me

Waiting On A Season To Make Sense

February 21, 2023

What does it look like to be faithful with what's in your hands? How do you continually put your best effort forward and trust God to fill the many gaps you leave behind?

There will be seasons you feel an urge to try something new, to do something that makes you a little uncomfortable and a whole lot nervous. This conversation with my new friend, Hannah Weidmann, is rooted in living in the tension of "I really don't want to do this" and "I know I'm supposed to do this".

She's the founder of Everyday Heirloom, a jewelry business about a whole lot more than jewelry. She shares about stumbling into starting a business and a family at the same time, her incredibly Hallmark-esque story of meeting and marrying her husband and how, while she lacked vision and comfort for what God asked of her, time in molded a brand new perspective on the story He was crafting. Here's Waiting On A Season To Make Sense.

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