No One Told Me

No One Told Me

In Spite Of: Walking Faithfully In Seasons You Wouldn’t Pick

March 28, 2022

Hey God, if what I’m walking in right now brings you the most glory…then this is where I want to be. Those are hard words to say. Especially when you feel like you’re walking through impossible circumstances. Especially when you’re in a season you don’t want to be on. A season you would’ve never picked for yourself.My friend Lauren, when she said those words a few weeks ago at The Collective, I just about fell out of my chair. When His glory becomes more important than our comfort – something big is happening. Something that could change the whole trajectory of our lives. Lauren speaks about her deepest desires, the wants she lays before God and asks for Him to show up in. And then what she does, the practices she has in place, for the days those desires and wants feel like they’re overwhelming any joy she might find. Deep joy is in loosening your grip. I can’t wait for you to hear more from Lauren. 

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