Nonprofit Utopia

Nonprofit Utopia

Latest Episodes

Shining the Spotlight on Your Brand
March 25, 2019

Mia Hillery, expert marketer, brand ambassador and coach, will share lessons learned on how organizations can stand out in the crowd in this competitive enviro

Making Fundraising "Awesomer"
March 18, 2019

Patrick Kirby, Founder of Do Good Better Consulting, shares insights on improving fundraising results.

Building Thriving Nonprofits in the Digital Age
March 11, 2019

Sarah Olivieri and Valerie F. Leonard discuss capacity building strategies for nonprofits in the digital age.

Addressing Community Needs Through Human-Centered Design
February 04, 2019

Alvin Schexnider talks about the importance of human-centered design in developing solutions to community problems.

Re-Broadcast-Are You #GivingTuesday-Ready?
November 26, 2018

Re-Broadcast-Are You #GivingTuesday-Ready?

Re-Broadcast-Life After Military Service: Issues & Resources for Veterans
November 12, 2018

Dumont Moore, Founder of Veterans Strike Force, talks about Veterans issues.

High-Impact Sales and Marketing Strategies for Emerging Organizations
November 05, 2018

Shelby Parchman, CEO of InUrban Strategies, LLC, shares sales and marketing strategies for emerging organizations.

Modern Media Relations for Nonprofits
October 29, 2018

Peter Panepento and Antionette Kerr, authors of Modern Media Relations for Nonprofits, will share strategies

The Laquan McDonald Case
October 22, 2018

Community Activist William Calloway discusses the Laquan McDonald case and the importance of community collaboration in bringing about social justice.

Are You #GivingTuesday-Ready?
October 15, 2018

Jessica Schneider, Director of Strategy and Collaboration for 92Y in New York, will give #GivingTuesday strategies and resources.
