No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio

No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio

Latest Episodes

Counteroffers in the Sports News
January 26, 2016

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter takes a story of the sports pages to call attention to how counteroffers are becoming more prevalent.

Making Your Boolean Searches for Candidates Easy
January 25, 2016

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter speaks about a product that he uses that makes Boolean searches for candidates on the web much easier.

Evaluating for Fit as Part of Your Hiring Process Is Bogus
January 22, 2016

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter points out the line that is interviewing for fit.

Interviewing Mistakes By Hiring Managers
January 21, 2016

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses two types of interviewing mistakes too many managers make.

Don't Put Creative People in a Box When You Hire
January 20, 2016

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter offers a suggestion to you for improving your process when you were hiring people for creative jobs.

What's So Good About Hiring Team Players Any Way?
January 19, 2016

I'll be talking about team players and why companies so foolishly focus so much effort into finding them.

The Job Market Is Good and You're Competing
January 18, 2016

With the job market back to normal, people have choices. Jeff Altman reminds you that you were competing for talent and encourages you to pick up the pace.

Hiring Mistakes You Need to Correct
January 16, 2016

On this show, Jeff looks at some of the mistakes you're making so that you don't lose that person you really want to hire.

Hiring Myths
January 15, 2016

Jeff looks at a few of the myths firms engage in when they hire people.

Bad Employer Behavior
January 14, 2016

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter attempts to discourage you from engaging in some of the offensive and rude hiring practices she maybe employers engage in.
