NJA Podcast

NJA Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 7: Noah Ventosa
July 19, 2019


Borel Session 1
June 21, 2019

This is audio from a time in a car with some friends. We recorded this the night that the Warriors completed the sweep in the Western Conference Finals.

Episode 6: Mohammed Daoudi
June 21, 2019

Today on the podcast we have Mohammed Daoudi, aka Cupcake Daoudi, aka Lil Daoudi, aka LD400, aka Mr. IFuckedYourBitchAndSheBoughtMeGroceriesWithYourMoney, aka the best rapper since The Sugarhill Gang... you get the point

Episode 5: No Guests
June 21, 2019

Hey y'all sorry about the wait lol. This next podcast was recorded a few months ago between Noah, Justin, and Alec and was supposed to be a proper introduction to the three of us but it diverted to a conversation about humanity and other things like that

Episode 5: No Guests
June 20, 2019


Episode 6: Mohammed Daoudi
June 20, 2019


Borel Session 1
June 20, 2019


Episode 4: Kishan Kumar
January 28, 2019

Instagram & Twitter: @kishk03

Episode 3: Daniel Dorsey
January 28, 2019

Instagram: @d.dors Twitter: @_Dorsey_

Episode 2: Greg Manore
January 28, 2019

