The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

033: Going From Sexual Abuse Victim To Victor In Life And Business, With Esther Miller

December 31, 2015

Today’s guest on New SuperWoman Entrepreneur is Maribel’s great friend, Esther Hatfield-Miller, a survivor of clergy sexual abuse and advocate for those who have undergone abuse. She transformed from victim to survivor and has emerged as a thriver, using her 5-step self-healing system “from CHAOS to CALM!” to help many people overcome the trauma and pain of sexual abuse.
You can use humor to overcome the most painful trauma.
Too often our personal traumas are what form the core of our hindrances in life and business. It’s natural, but an obstacle that has to be overcome if success and well being are to come to fruition in our lives. Esther Miller teaches people how to use humor, whimsy & insight to those who are victims of abuse so that they can learn to heal their sexual abuse & trauma so that they create a powerful, calm & drama-free life! You’ll be entranced by Esther’s energetic enthusiasm as she shares her vision, her business, and her zest for life, on this episode of New SuperWoman Entrepreneur.
Turning pain into powerful change for the world.
Esther Miller’s personal journey of recovery from sexual abuse is not something she’s allowed to hold her back. In fact, she’s moved it into the realm of help for others and has been featured in international media outlets. She continues international advocacy work to prevent sexual assault, restore justice, and abolish the Statute of Limitations for crimes committed against humanity. As you can see, Esther has taken her pain to a place of healing and help for others who don’t know how to overcome their traumas. Listen to Esther’s story to be inspired about what might be possible for you, your business, and your vision for the world.
Narrowing your focus could amplify your business success.
There are literally hundreds of ways you can generate revenue in your business. But a few clarifying questions about your core mission can help you narrow down the options to focus on the main ones that will set you apart and energize your work. What is THE thing you want to accomplish for your clients/customers? What methods of product or service delivery would BEST help you accomplish that? Esther Miller has learned that her main mission is to help people overcome sexual abuse and she’s found that the BEST way is to focus on helping them through coaching, courses, and group accountability to keep herself on track. What she’s found is a greater degree of personal clarity and a more effective accomplishment of her mission. Hear her story on this episode of New SuperWomen Entrepreneurs.
Stepping out of the pain of the past to open the door of the future.
The abuse or pain you’ve experienced in life don’t have to continue to hold you back. There is more to life than wallowing in the pain until you die. Esther Miller knows this personally and is speaking all over the world to help women overcome the pain of sexual abuse. You can hear how she helps women overcome the pain and limiting beliefs that sexual abuse causes and get your own copy of her free gift to help you start on that journey today, it’s all on this episode.
Outline of this great episode!

Maribel’s introduction of her friend, Esther Hatfield-Miller.
Esther’s personal mission in life and how she goes about accomplishing it.
Why and how Esther became an entrepreneur.
A blessing in disguise experience in Esther’s business life.
The greatest power moves Esther has made to ramp up her business.
The work Esther does to help victims of sexual abuse and her tips for those still suffering.
Esther’s free gift for you.
Why Esther focuses on appreciation more than gratitude.
The best advice Esther has ever received.
Who inspires Esther.
A favorite book.
Esther’s favorite mantra (for this week).
How to connect with Esther.

Resources mentioned in this episode
BOOK: Man’s Search for Meaning
