The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

029: How To Build The High Level Connections You Need, With Eleanor Beaton

December 17, 2015

Today’s guest, Eleanor Beaton, has helped hundreds of women become personally, professionally, and financially empowered by teaching them the leadership skills of 7-figure business women. She offers women at all career stages a powerful mix of personal coaching, career mentorship and specialized training and consulting. She’s worked one-on-one with highly successful leaders and her articles and advice have been featured in dozens of media outlets including CTV, CBC, The Globe and Mail, Atlantic Business Magazine, Chatelaine, and PROFIT Magazine.Today’s conversation highlights Eleanor’s experience, insights, and strategies for creating your own opportunities as an enterepreneur. You’ll gain lots of insight from this chat.
Do you want the secrets of America’s most powerful women leaders?
Eleanor Beaton has a powerful business where she uses corporate workshops, private coaching and small group training programs to teach hundreds of women the powerful career strategies, tips, tricks and mindset principles behind the success of some of the country’s country’s most compelling women leaders, including women who have been named to their country’s most powerful CEO lists, women who have led multi-billion dollar companies, women who have personally advised Prime Ministers and Presidents, and women whose creative work has inspired international movements. In this episode you’re going to learn tips and strategies that Eleanor shares with those high level entrepreneurs and business women, so be sure to listen!
Find the courage you need!
Eleanor Beaton has discovered through her business ventures and the challenges that have been hers to face, that courage exists in two different types. First there is the courage to start. This is what a woman needs in order to take the first steps toward seeing her dream come to life. It’s hard work and hard to do, but it’s vital. The second kind of courage is the courage to keep going. There are hurdles and obstacles all along the way of the entrepreneurial journey. You’ll need courage to keep going when those hard times come… and often, you need to make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people like Eleanor who are able to keep you going when things get tough. You can hear more of Eleanor’s thoughts about courage on this episode.
The biggest power moves always involve making better connections.
In working with high level entrepreneurs and business women, Eleanor Beaton has discovered that the most significant moves that create the biggest gains and profits in any business is in making genuine connections with the people who matter in your niche. As people who travel the roads that are “higher level” than you begin to like, know, and trust you, they begin to see you as an asset they can introduce to their peers and mentors. That’s how you come to make the connections that are powerful for your business and how you can enter into partnerships and relationships that will last, gain traction, and build your profitability. Eleanor shares a gold mine of great information on this episode, so don’t miss it.
Ways to get into the circles you need to be in, without being a “gimme” person.
The formula Eleanor Beaton follows when she’s trying to gain the attention or help of a person who has the influence or resources she needs to move her business forward is very simple:  Give, Give, Give, Ask. Too many entrepreneurs move to the “ask” way too soon. They become people who are always asking for help rather than adding genuine value to the people they want to get to know. It’s powerful when you do significant things (not costly, but thoughtful) that bring value, notice, and benefit to the people you want to attract. Generosity never fails if you do it well. Find out more about how Eleanor does this, on this episode.
Outline of this great episode!

Introduction of Eleanor Beaton, one of Maribel’s friends.
The mission Eleanor is
