New Meta: DotA 2 Podcast

New Meta: DotA 2 Podcast

Latest Episodes

#32 - 7.22d Patch Review!
July 02, 2019

Patch review with all three of the boys. From bottom to top for a change! Justice for Zues!

#31 - Duo-Pod Meta Talk: Comparing Position 5s in the Pub Meta
June 28, 2019

Nothing beats a classic Meta-game discussion, with ep 31 seeing Adam and Stan sitting down to discuss the position 5 heroes that are seeing the most play in the pub scene. Warlock, Oracle, Abaddon, CM, Bane and Grimstroke are topping pick rates in...

#30 - Understanding Mid-lane Heroes: How, Where and Why They Play
June 20, 2019

Episode 30 warrants a major topic, and so the crew are in full swing this week discussing the different styles of mid-lane heroes. From farmers and pushers to dominators and tempos, the trio cover how certain heroes want to play the mid lane and where...

#29 - Four Funky 4s: Axe, QoP, Spirit Breaker and Mars
June 17, 2019

Episode 29 sees the New Meta squadron discuss some potential gems to try in the 4 position. Adam uses his experience as a recent convert to the 4 role to guide Marco and Stan through the weird worlds of pos 4 Axe (9:50), QoP (37:10), Spirit Breaker...

#28 - 7.22c : Pos 4 Axe ? 0.01 Cast Point? Marco's mic? All the Answers!
June 11, 2019

In episode 28 the podders read through the changes in the 7.22c patch and discuss the various changes, discussing how the meta will be impacted. Before getting started the trio take some time to talk about the Twitch Rivals reverse captains mode event...

#3 - Patch 7.21: The Bear That Could Outrun a Deer
January 31, 2019

Adam, Marco and Stan sink their teeth into patch 7.21, discussing the most interesting, impactful and fun changes. Ursa is faster than Ench, IceFrog turns Slark into Sushi and IO is relo'd out of Captains Mode. The boys also look ahead to a new...

#2 - Team Items: Holy Locket, Vlads is Good!
January 28, 2019

The gang return this episode to discuss the current dominance of team aura items and why they fit so well with the prevailing game-state of 7.20e. Stan, Marco and Adam take us on a grand tour of all the mid-game team items from Vlads to Crimson, all...

#1 - Position 4: Meet the Gank
January 26, 2019

Join Stan (Ancient 4), Marco (Immortal) and Adam (Divine 4) in discussing how position 4 is defined in the current meta-game and effective ways to play the role! After brief introductions the episode covers heroes and play-styles seen from position 4...
