The NetFlakes Podcast

The NetFlakes Podcast

Episode 44: The Great Muppet Caper w/ Josh Morrison

January 19, 2016

On this week's podcast, Dylan was joined by queer media scholar Josh Morrison to talk about The Muppets by way of 1981's The Great Muppet Caper.

Here's a look what you can expect to hear:

-a nostalgic look at the TV available to children in Canada in the early 90's

-awe at the puppetry (Muppetry?) skills on display

-the importance of music in the world of The Muppets

-the bizarre way we treat Muppets like real people in the real world

-The Muppets as social commentary, offering acceptance to the queer and the marginalized

-what is "camp?"

-The Muppets as super-feminist by way of Miss Piggy

-the strange non-romance of Miss Piggy and Kermit

-Josh takes exception to auteur theory

-a brief (but deeply negative) look at the new TV series, The Muppets
