

The Nerdy Times-Episode 83-There was Tears, There was Applause

April 28, 2013

We would like the thank everyone for their patience during the move from Posterous. Posterous will shut April 30th 2013 and this,, will be our main site. Thank you for listing all these years!

This week we bring you the Game-master’s Seminar from Conglomeration 2013. This years panelists are: Steve Darnell from AGC, Shawn Patrick Fannon from Evil Beagle Games, Michael Dennis from Roll of the Die and Us(Coarey Trim and Dan Hull). As always this panel is full of great information for current and aspiring game-master and you should listen to last years panel also! The sound quality isn’t as good as we would like because of a concert in the next hall and the recorder died about 15 minutes before the panel ended, but do not let that stop you from enjoying this year’s panel.

Also this week Dan poses a question to the NerdyTimes audience. Should he buy the now on sale Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (Episodes IV – VI) [Blu-ray] on Amazon, even through they have the latest George Lucas “improvements” or should he wait in hopes of a release of the unmodified films in Blu-Ray? Submit your vote in the comment section.

Music-Title: Conflicted Artist: Kevin MacLeod


