Nerds on the Rocks – Nerds on the Rocks

Nerds on the Rocks – Nerds on the Rocks

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Nerds on the Rocks: Don’t Call it a Reboot!
February 08, 2015

What a week for comic fans. DC came out of nowhere to announce a slate of 24 new books from old and new stars and old and new creative teams. We sit down to tackle all of those announcements and the killing of “The New 52″ brand. Not to be out

Nerds on the Rocks 199: The 2014 Rockies
January 16, 2015

It’s the one time a year where we put on our Sunday best to award all the great movies, comics, television and video games of the previous year. And we honor some great ones this year including Transformers 4… Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, G

Nerds on the Rocks 198: All I Want for Christmas is Amiibo
December 28, 2014

Our annual Christmas episode is a tad late this year, but we have an excuse… we’ve been in line since November trying to obtain all of the Wave 1 and Wave 2 Amiibo from Nintendo! It’s been a long time since many of us have gone through t

Nerds on the Rocks 197: The Ultimate Superior Amazing Spider-Leaks of Sony
December 13, 2014

Sony seems to be in a bit of a pickle recently. With them having no clear direction for the Spider-man franchise, and their recent hacks leaking some crucial details about Sony Picture Entertainment, we thought it was time to give back! Hence, we present

Nerds on the Rocks 196: Star Wars: The Genisys Squad
December 06, 2014

What a week to be a nerd. We got our first peaks at the newest Star Wars, Jurassic Park and Terminator films. We got updates and casting news from Suicide Squad, Deadpool, Jessica Jones and the 24th James Bond film, SPECTRE. We take time out of our day to

Nerds on the Rocks 195: The Console Wars Year 1.5
November 14, 2014

With the one year anniversary of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and two year anniversary of the Wii U, we thought it was a time to look back on these consoles and what they have to offer so far. What we liked, what we hope to see in the future and our re

Nerds on the Rocks 194: The Life and Times of the Saturday Morning Cartoon
November 07, 2014

We are gathered here today to discuss the recently deceased Saturday Morning Cartoon. For many a decades, the Saturday Morning Cartoon was responsible for putting smiles on the faces of kids around the world. And with it’s passing we now live in a b

Nerds on the Rocks 193: Make Mine a Marvel
October 31, 2014

An exciting week to be a comic fan as Marvel reveals Phase 3 of their movies including Black Panther, Captain Marvel and inhumans. We take to the airways to share our excitement, our hesitation and our everything else! We also talk about the state of comi

Nerds on the Rocks 192: The Terminator At 30
October 24, 2014

This week marks the 30th anniversary of the release of the original Terminator movie, and we decided to mark the occasion by discussing the original Terminator film and its sequels. Judgement Day awaits you all for this bad-ass action/horror/sci-fi film.

Nerds on the Rocks 191: You Get a Comic Book Movie, And You Get a Comic Book Movie
October 17, 2014

We all get a comic book movie! What a random week for news. DC announces a slate of 10 movies over the next 6 years which included directors and surprising casting news. Marvel is looking to bring the (Civil) War to the big screen with Robert Downey Jr&#8
