Neon Noise Podcast

Neon Noise Podcast

E32 - Exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence and Robots in Marketing with Magnus Unemyr

June 28, 2017

As advancements in technology continue to accelerate faster than ever, the question of when technology turns on us and the robots take over seems more likely than when Skynet was first presented to us in 1984. In the meantime, we had Magnus Unemyr on the Neon Noise podcast to share with us how marketers are using artificial intelligence and robots to automate processes giving small and medium-sized businesses the ability to compete on a global scale. Magnus is an inbound marketing and automation specialist, non-fiction author, and speaker. Over the past couple years, his focus has been creating state-of-the-art marketing strategies using some of the world's most advanced automation tools. Please enjoy our conversation with Magnus Unemyr.
