

Latest Episodes

T39 Please excuse my children's tardiness, there was a bull in the driveway
April 10, 2019

We'll talk about the Upp's annual Pumpkin Party, all the cows that go out and a bull in the driveway!Go to to see the shirt for this episode. Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Thanks for listening.

E27 Oh the dramatics of the flu!
April 03, 2019

Anita and Lamont discuss the types of flu, some of the flu pandemics and then Anita tries to convince Lamont that there may really be a thing called the "Man Flu".

T38 The Little Debbie Man
March 27, 2019

Will we ever get together and not talk about Little Debbie? Go to to see the shirt for this episode. Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Thanks for listening.

E25 How I Met the One - Part 7 -Ashley and Cody
March 13, 2019

Here is Ashley's story on how she met her one and sometimes the right thing to say is nothing at all, so ... here you go! Go to to see the shirt for this episode. Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Thanks for listening.

E25 How I Met the One - Part 6 - Sharon and Ralph
March 06, 2019

Find out how Sharon fell into the arms of her one, Ralph. Go to to see the shirt for this episode. Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Thanks for listening.

E26 Bambi and Sarah
March 06, 2019

This week we'll talk about names; popular names, naming your baby, we'll have a few "name" facts and lots more. So does anyone know if the names Lemonjello and Orangejello are for real or if those names are just a legend? Go to...

E25 How I Met the One - Part 5 - James and Heather
February 27, 2019

What a coincidence or just fate?  What were the chances of James and Heather finding the one? Go to to see the shirt for this episode. Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Thanks for listening.

E25 How I Met the One - Part 4 - Teresa and Milo
February 20, 2019

You never know when you meet "The One", listen to Theresa's story of where she found her prize. Go to to see the shirt for this episode. Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Thanks for listening.

E25 How I Met the One - Part 3 - Anne and Tommy
February 13, 2019

We have another great story of finding that special one: Anne and Tommy met when they were in diapers. Go to to see the shirt for this episode. Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Thanks for listening.

E25 How I Met The One - Part 2 - Paul and Rena
February 06, 2019

Anita and Lamont continue with the theme of "How I Met the One" with guests Paul (and Rena).  Go to to see the shirts for our episodes. Don't forget to subscribe to the show! Thanks for listening.
