My New Normal

My New Normal

S1E11 | Stephanie Gaudreau - on Body Dysmorphia, Complete Job Change, and Sensitivity

February 06, 2019

Stephanie Gaudreau is a health and fitness coach who advocates healthy eating and embracing your own skin. Before she started eating a more balanced diet, which includes the foods she feared, she advocated paleo and working out in order to achieve her ideal body but she wasn't happy. Steph used to be a teacher but as an introvert, she needed to find a job that is comfortable for her, therefore, she took a drastic change of direction and went into blogging.

Steph experienced body dysmorphia as a kid, it changed her relationship with food and how she perceived her body. Steph took health and fitness seriously in order to make her body smaller to overcome her condition but it wasn't the solution she's looking for. Listen to this episode to learn about Steph's journey and these:

  • Why facing change is frightening for her,
  • How she faced fear to be able to move forward,
  • How Steph faced and overcame body dysmorphia
  • How she made blogging her business,
  • What steps she took in learning new skills in her new job,
  • Making her weakness as an introvert into her strength

Listen to My New Normal Podcast here:

To Contact Stephanie Gaudreau Visit:

To check out Dr. T's Functional Training for the Adaptive Athlete Online Course (eligible for 0.5 CEU's for NSCA under Category D), visit:

Help My New Normal raise $2,500 for Challenged Athlete Foundation by March 31st, 2019:
