How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

A Man Forged in Fire Part 1 – Brian Birdwell

February 21, 2018

Texas State Senator Brian Birdwell is a loving husband, father and grandfather. He was also a 20-year Army Officer and the closest survivor to the point of impact at the Pentagon on 9/11. His story is incredible and this week he’s here to share it with us.
Our guest this week is a good man, great leader and dear friend to me. Within Texas’ political circles he is known to be a principled man and devoted Christian.
We had such a good time talking that we ran way long on the interview so I’m splitting it into two parts, the first of which you’re listening to and we’ll release the second half next week.
Brian Birdwell is a native Texan, decorated military veteran and lifelong conservative Republican currently representing Texas Senate District 22. Senator Birdwell was born here in my backyard of Fort Worth, Texas and served a bit over 20 years in the United States Army.  

On September 11, 2001, Brian was serving in the Pentagon when American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed just yards away from his second floor Pentagon office. Brian was critically wounded and severely burned. 60% of his body was burned and more than half of those burns were 3rd degree. He was the closest survivor to the point to Flight 77’s impact.
As a Christian, Brian believes his survival and miraculous recovery after 39 operations is a testament to Christ’s grace.
In 2010, Brian ran and won a special election for the Texas State Senate, where he has served faithfully for the last 8 years. His story, both personal and political are riveting and I hope y’all will get a lot from what he shares with us.
Part one of this interview covers Brian’s background, what happened to him on 9/11 and takes us through most of his first Senate Election. In part two, which we’ll release next week, we continue to discuss his initial election and he shares some powerful advice for new candidates. We finish it off with his summation of why we need conservatives to step up and run for office.
What You’ll Learn from Brian Birdwell In This Episode:
[00:00] Podcast Introduction and Brian Birdwell’s bio
[02:05] Welcome to Senator Birdwell and discussing his new favorite title: “Grandad”
[05:06] Brian Birdwell’s background and how he became involved in politics
[08:11] What happened to Brian on 9/11/2001
[23:01] How Brian got back to Texas and became involved in state politics
[30:10] The development of Brian Birdwell’s conservative philosophy
[39:00] Why you SHOULDN’T run for office!
[47:30] Wrapup of Part 1 of our Brian Birdwell interview and quick look ahead to Part 2.
Links from the Podcast:
Connect with Brian Birdwell on Facebook and Twitter. You can also view his incredible testimony at
Texas State Senator Brian Birdwell is a loving husband, father and grandfather. He was also a 20-year Army Officer and the closest survivor to the point of impact at the Pentagon on 9/11. His story is incredible and this week he’s here to share it with us.
Our guest this week is a good man, great leader and dear friend to me. Within Texas’ political circles he is known to be a principled man and devoted Christian.
We had such a good time talking that we ran way long on the interview so I’m splitting it into two parts, the first of which you’re listening to and we’ll release the second half next week.
Brian Birdwell is a native Texan, decorated military veteran and lifelong conservative Republican currently representing Texas Senate District 22. Senator Birdwell was born here in my backyard of Fort Worth, Texas and served a bit over 20 years in the Un...
