Music & Weights

Music & Weights

Latest Episodes

Music & Weights #9: Talise Trevigne
October 05, 2020

We started our Monday off strong, talking to soprano Talise Trevigne about morning routines, staying sane in the age of insanity, and what the future of opera looks like (and how to prepare for it).

Music & Weights #8: Lisette Oropesa
June 17, 2019

Michael and Caroline get coffee with Lisette and Steven, and discuss her journey. She discusses asserting herself as an autonomous artist, how losing weight is only a part of the battle, and other singer things.

Music & Weights #8: Lisette Oropesa
June 17, 2019

Michael and Caroline get coffee with Lisette and Steven, and discuss her journey. She discusses asserting herself as an autonomous artist, how losing weight is only a part of the battle, and other singer things.

Music & Weights #7 ft. Freddie Ballentine Jr.
May 04, 2019

Freddie epitomizes what Music & Weights is about: he's never rested on his laurels, striving every day to realize his own potential as performer and man. Also, he lost over 100 lbs and built a truckload of muscle along the way.

Music & Weights #7 ft. Freddie Ballentine Jr.
May 04, 2019

Freddie epitomizes what Music & Weights is about: he's never rested on his laurels, striving every day to realize his own potential as performer and man. Also, he lost over 100 lbs and built a truckload of muscle along the way.

Music & Weights #6 ft. Leah Crocetto
February 16, 2019

We rapped with Leah on carving your own path, doing something besides graduate school en route to being a successful opera singer, and what she thinks is important on stage.

Music & Weights #6 ft. Leah Crocetto
February 16, 2019

We rapped with Leah on carving your own path, doing something besides graduate school en route to being a successful opera singer, and what she thinks is important on stage.

Music & Weights #5 ft. Craig Kier
February 05, 2019

Craig Kier is a conductor, educator, and marathon runner. We caught up with him and discussed what opera training programs get right, what they don't, and what young singers can do to stand out from the crowd.

Music & Weights #5 ft. Craig Kier
February 05, 2019

Craig Kier is a conductor, educator, and marathon runner. We caught up with him and discussed what opera training programs get right, what they don't, and what young singers can do to stand out from the crowd.

Music & Weights #4 ft. Blaine Krauss
January 21, 2019

Broadway Blaine drops by to discuss The Vision of The Self, the missing ingredient of "The Secret", and his current favorite workout.
