SON CUATRO | Cheech In Conversation with Margaret Garcia

July 14, 2021

Margaret García is the featured artist on the first episode of this special series “Son Cuatro: In Conversation” co-hosted by Cheech Marin, art advocate and entertainer; Todd Wingate, Director of Exhibitions and Collections at the Riverside Art Museum; and Anna Bermudez, Chief Curator at the Museum of Ventura County with moderator Melissa Richardson Banks (who is also the producer of the series).

Part of RAM’s continued programming leading up to its opening of The Cheech, “Son Cuatro: In Conversation” is focused on sharing the work and the stories of Chicana/o artists, gaining their insights, and helping to inspire more community interaction in support of The Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art & Culture. Produced by Melissa Richardson Banks of CauseConnect for Riverside Art Museum, this special series of four programs is made possible through the generosity of the Union Pacific Foundation.

Margaret García says “her work provides a look at my community through the presence of the individual” and her desire is for her work “to be pertinent and meaningful.” Although she does not consider her work overtly political, over time, she has come to realize that many of her portraits belies the stereotypes given to any one culture by the media. In addition to her portrayals of sensual women of mixed race, many of García’s street scenes and landscapes depicting her neighborhood of Highland Park are in Cheech Marin’s collection. A teacher and a mentor to many young artists, García studied fine art at California State University, Northridge; Los Angeles City College; and the University of Southern California. Her work has been exhibited in group shows throughout the United States and in Europe, and she is published widely. García teaches and lectures extensively on art in different cultures. Her first solo museum exhibition opens this October at the Museum of Ventura County ( Learn more at During the pandemic, García conceived her “Prayers” project and has been a mentor, inspiration, and champion for the team that now leads Prayers Worldwide. Visit
