Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

A Sketchy Background to The One Page Financial Planner – Interview with Carl Richards | MPSOS182

April 08, 2015

Carl Richards was a ditch-digger, fell into a securities job, became a Certified Financial Planner, then became the Sketch Guy at the New York Times by drawing financial concepts on paper napkins.
He released his second book, the One Page Financial Plan, and shares some of his journey with us.
For a more complete list of notes with pictures and links, go to

In this episode:
We talk to Carl Richards about his journey from digging ditches to...

Becoming a Certified Financial Planner to...
Buying a house he couldn't afford to...
Having an A-HA moment on a white board to...
Creating clever drawings of financial concepts on cocktail napkins to...
Writing for the New York Times to...
Writing two books and receiving national attention

Quotes for Term Life Insurance

Today I share details about the inexpensive price of Term Life Insurance and why a 20 year, $1m policy for a 35 year old is less expensive than a 15 year, $500k policy for a 48 year old.

Holla from the Impala

What's with all the Social Media Managers on Twitter following me?


For a more complete list of notes with pictures and links, go to

