Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

Joseph Michael’s MoneyPlan On Fire – MPSOS181

April 01, 2015

Joseph Michael is an average guy who saw a need and is now making 6-figures helping writers solve a problem. They love to use Scrivener - an incredible writing and organization tool - but had a hard time figuring out how to use it efficiently.

Enter the Scrivener Coach. Joseph doesn't work for Scrivener but came up with an easy-to-follow, step-by-step video course that takes a lot of the guesswork out of the process.

I've taken the course and am using Scrivener to create my Audacity Workshop (audio editing software I've been using for almost 15 years).

You can find more about Joseph and his course at * or follow him on Twitter @ScrivenerCoach

I hope you enjoy this April Fools Day episode.
Interview highlights:

Favorite quote: You can not build a reputation on what you are going to do - Henry Ford
Favorite book (of the day): Show Your Work by Austin Kleon

Interview Links

Michael Hyatt's post that gave Joseph his idea - 5 reasons I switched to Scrivener for all my writing
Joseph's course *Learn Scrivener Fast
Joseph's home base website
Joseph on Twitter @ScrivenerCoach

*Resources and Affiliate links
