Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

Happy Brand New You Year! – MPSOS174

January 07, 2015

Happy New You Year!
Did you set new goals for 2015?
I did - and there are BIG changes coming to my life.
While I hate to make this show all about me, today’s episode is just that - all about the Brand Steve Stewart.

What is a Personal Brand?
A brand is what people think about someone or something when they aren’t in the room.
It’s not a logo, it’s not a catch phrase, it isn’t even a name; it’s all of the above.
Ryan Rhoten is my Personal Branding Coach helping me create my brand.

Listen to Ryan's thoughts on:

If you aren’t Googleable, you don’t exist
How to create an online brand
Ryan’s journey to the front page of Google
Which online branding sites to use

Free Personal Branding Assessment
Take the Online Assessment or visit for resources and tips on how to improve your brand.
You can also hear Ryan dive deeper into the topic of personal branding on his brand new podcast: The Brand New You (iTunes)
Then go and visit my new site:
