Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

Year-end Tax Tips: Conversation with John Beidel – MPSOS172

December 12, 2014

John Beidel is an Enrolled Agent and has been helping people with their income taxes since 2008.

Today he sits down with me to 15 Year End Tax Moves To Lower Your Tax Bill, and article from

Summary of the tips:

Accelerate income
Defer income
Accelerate or defer expenses

Note: Dozens of provisions are set to expire but could be extended.

You can find out more about John at

Also in this episode
Holla from the Impala - "Doing right with money"
You are doing right with money if you take care of things in this order:

Pay for the 4-walls
Maintain current debts (minimum payments)
Pay for some niceties (cell phones, Netflix, not to many)
Eliminate debts using the Debt Snowball or Debt Avalanche method
Build wealth (start saving for retirement, kid's college, etc)
Have fun and give

What to do with $50,000 and 11 children
I received this question:

"I have a friend who is recently widowed.  There was no life insurance and she has 11 children.  Yes, you read that right.

She has about $50,000 to her name and wants to have access to the money but earn more than a savings/checking account would give.  I don't think she has many options but hoped you might know of something.

Apparently she wants to make the money last as long as possible.  Any ideas?"

What would you recommend? Listen to my answer and leave your comments below.
