Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

A Simple and Fair Solution to Taxes: The #FairTax – MPSOS167

October 24, 2014

Is it possible to have a simple and fair solution to the US tax code? Yes, it's called the FairTax.

105 years ago the 16th Amendment was passed allowing the US Government to levy an income tax on corporations. Somewhere along the way things changed and we find ourselves buried under 74,000 pages of tax code.
Which is simpler: 74,000 pages or 133?
The FairTax turns our complicated system into a medium sized book. The FairTax is much simpler:

No more income tax withholding
No more filing taxes on April 15th
No more missed deductions
No more taxes on interest earned or capital gains
No more unfair tax breaks
No more unreported revenues
No more IRS audits

What the FairTax does is:

Allows us to bring our entire paycheck home (minus voluntary retirement savings, health insurance, etc)
Sends every person with a US address and Social Security number, regardless of citizenship, money to cover the sales tax paid on the necessities of life (food, shelter, clothing, energy, etc)
Reduces the price of goods and services we buy
Taxes EVERYBODY, even visitors to our country (legally or illegally)
Taxes us only on new products and services we buy
Funds Government programs, including THE MILITARY, Social Security and Medicare
Makes US products more competitive in the global market
Will increase demand for goods and services, thus creating more jobs
Becomes more progressive as people who earn more, spend more

Listen to the interview with FairTax Larry for a better explanation of how the FairTax works

Educate yourself on tax plans and the FairTax
Here is a list of articles and resources mentioned in the show:

FairTax website

Prebate rates

FairTax Larry's email address

Article on How To Judge a Tax Plan

FairTax:The Truth CD: Answering the Critics
Also in this episode:
Holla from the Impala: I met a Financial Advisor who doesn't know what debt is.

Question from Prudence Debtfree: Do people using Debit spend more than those using Credit? Cash?

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