Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

Steps to buying a cash car with James Kinson – MPSOS159

August 06, 2014

After learning how much car payments was hurting his family's finances, James Kinson became a Cash Car Convert.

So what, you ask? Why is he such an expert in kicking auto debt to the curb? He's purchased more than 20 used cars - that's why.

He started a blog and podcast at and shares information about getting your car ready to sell, what to look for in a used vehicle, and where you should and should-not look for a quality used vehicle.

James wrote an epic article called 14 Steps to Your First Cash Car. It is a short step-by-step guide to getting you from where you are to owning your first cash car - no debt involved!

Today he shares the first few questions to ask yourself like:

What are the long-term costs of car debt
How does my current car debt balance effect my decision
How much can I get for my current car
What kind of vehicle do I need
What can I do to come up with $5,000 for a cash car

James Kinson is also finishing an eBook called "The Cash Car Solution: How to escape debt, drive for less, and invest in yourself", due out in August 2014.

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to be notified when James' book is released and the special price he will offer for a limited time.
Also on the show:

USA Today article: A third of Americans delinquent on debt
A Facebook fan sends a money-saving testimonial that kept her and her husband from spending $400 to  much for a mattress.
Thanks to Ande1352 and Oto23 for leaving 5-star reviews in iTunes
