Movies About Girls

Movies About Girls

Drew Buzy Show #6: Up With People!

March 30, 2014

What a wild ride. I had been itching for some time to do something with the fun little Up With People album by The Coswell Brothers I picked up years ago. It wasn't until about a week ago that I knew what to do with it. I had put the needle down on You Bet Your Life -the Grouch Marx show- and it started out with the secret word "people". Right then an there I knew I had to do a "people" episode.

I thought I might not have enough material for an entire "people" episode but I was quite wrong. One of the highlights for me was finally having the perfect opportunity to play Johnny Carson from The Beach Boys Love You album, which is entirely terrible. It's one of my favorite albums! Actually I've been buying the album whenever I see it for some time now, giving them to friends and anyone who'll take a copy. It's that good/bad. I've never bought any other Beach Boys album. I think I'm down to 9 or 10 copies left if you want one.

I was also happy to get to mix in a cut from the Cabbage Patch Kids record, which is also quite terrible. And of course there's Macho City by Steve Miller Band. The actual version is like 18 minutes long so be glad I mixed it out when I did.

I definitely have plans to mix Up With People II so all the weirdos,, hicks, haters and auditors from the future we met in this episode will be back in the next installment. Until then then, friends, up with people!

Download/Listen HERE! 

-Drew Buzzy

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