Move Norwood Forward: The Podcast of the Highlands | Norwood, Ohio

Move Norwood Forward: The Podcast of the Highlands | Norwood, Ohio

Latest Episodes

Making Norwood Ohio the Strongest Town it Can Be
April 05, 2022

Is Norwood Ohio the Strongest Town in America? Its hard to say for sure, but through a recent contest put on by Strong Towns, our city has been thrust into the limelight. And while thousands of Norwo

Asset Based Community Development with Dr. Darrin Wilson
January 17, 2021

How does a community move forward? On one hand, citizens could focus on all the negatives and jump from one problem to the next, like a game of whack-a-mole. Or they could take the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach.

A mirror from outside Norwood
December 19, 2020

Sometimes it’s difficult to know what’s true in Norwood. We get so wrapped up in our own bubble that it’s easy to forget that we’re not alone in this local governance thing. Should we keep this city service or outsource it?

Norwood in Nine: December 8 City Council Meeting
December 09, 2020

Two council meetings in two nights? Bring it on. In the wake of Monday night’s special meeting, Council reconvened on Tuesday for another lengthy session. Although the discussion about Dispatch carried on, it took on a new life this time.

Norwood in Nine: December 7 Special Meeting of City Council
December 08, 2020

It was a special meeting, indeed. Following up on the contentious November 24th meeting, Mayor Schneider scheduled this session to discuss Norwood’s Dispatch. More specifically, the purpose of this gathering was to inform the Council and the public abo...

Norwood in Nine: November 24 City Council Meeting
November 25, 2020

After a few brief, calm council meetings, it would have been easy to think that 2020 would go out like a lamb. But tonight’s meeting opened a new can of worms that got messy quickly. In this edition of Norwood in Nine,

Norwood in Nine: November 10 City Council Meeting
November 10, 2020

We made it through election season and now we can get back to the day-to-day management of our local government. On this edition of Norwood in Nine, I break down the top takeaways from tonight’s 43-minute city council meeting.

Norwood in Nine: October 27 City Council Meeting
October 27, 2020

After a one-meeting hiatus, we’re back for another edition of Norwood in Nine, where I break down the top takeaways from city council meeting. While I won’t claim to be an expert on Norwood’s issues, I try to keep up with things.

Norwood in Nine: September 22 City Council Meeting
September 23, 2020

We’re back for another edition of Norwood in Nine, where, after every council meeting, I break down the top takeaways. While I won’t claim to be an expert on Norwood’s issues, I try to keep up with things. Tonight’s meeting lasted 192 minutes — gasp!

Norwood in Nine: September 8 City Council Meeting
September 08, 2020

Were back for another edition of Norwood in Nine, where, after every council meeting, I break down the top takeaways. While I wont claim to be an expert on Norwoods issues, I try to keep up with th
