Move Minds Global

Move Minds Global

How the News Affects Our Culture | #007

July 22, 2014
How the News Affects Our Culture | Episode 007

In this podcast we talk about the news and how it influences our culture. The way we receive our news has changed dramatically in the last few decades. We’ll explore how this influence is affecting us.

What is the News?

News is shared on local and national TV stations, newspapers, and the internet.

The News Media affects our culture in the following ways:

  • Journalism has changed significantly in the past few years and has grown more biased.
  • Entertainment is often passed off as news.
  • News is presented to appeal to a wide audience.
  • News organizations are supported by advertisers.
  • News is giving people what market research says people want rather than news people need to know.

Call to Action

  • Turn off the news. Don’t read the news online or in newspaper. Notice how you feel.
  • Seek out more objective news sources.
  • Seek to be educated as well as informed about issues.
  • Don’t let your young kids watch the news. Discuss issues with older children.
  • Check out the following resource: Positive Reporting: News and its Effect on Wellbeing
