Life by Design

Life by Design

Latest Episodes

How to Deal with Worry - Life by Design
June 27, 2018

Do you find you have an intermittent or constant feeling of worry that is negatively affecting your quality of life?  If so then you need to listen to this episode of the Life by Design podcast as Josh Reagan will show you how to deal with and overcome...

Understanding the Value not the Price or Cost - Life by Design
April 08, 2018

In this episode of the Life by Design Show, Josh Regan talks about the importance of understanding value and asks you to evaluate what’s important in your own life.

Accessing Your Good Judgment and Intuition - Life by Design
April 08, 2018

On this episode of the Life by Design Show, Josh Reagan talks about the phenomenal judgment skills we all have but shows how it is often clouded by our default basis and white noise. Josh discusses how to drown out the noise in your mind to access your...

The Magic of Appreciation - Life by Design
April 08, 2018

In the first podcast of the new season of Life by Design, Josh Reagan discusses how he uses the magic of appreciation to energize and enhance his everyday life.

Coping with Change - Life by Design
November 20, 2017

I explain how change is necessary and how you can learn from it to become stronger and more formidable

Building an Inner Circle - Life by Design
November 15, 2017

The importance of an inner circle and how to create one.

The Power of Taking Responsibility for Your Actions - Life by Design
October 11, 2017

In this week’s motivational podcast episode Josh Reagan discusses how taking responsibility for your own actions can empower you to take control of your life.  Josh uses this podcast to explain how he has made positive changes in his own life simply by...

Life by Design: Create Your Personal Prophecy - Life by Design
September 17, 2017

In this week’s motivational podcast episode Josh Reagan discusses how to create an empowering prophecy for yourself and then use the power of your words and thoughts to make it come true.

Life by Design - The Primary Ingredient of Happiness is..... - Life by Design
September 04, 2017

This is the one thing that you need to know in order to achieve a lasting happiness built on a foundation of contentment and fulfillment.

Life by Design - How to Grow Resilience  - Life by Design
August 28, 2017

Tools that you can use today to actually increase your resilience.
