Morning Coffee with Larry Quicksall

Morning Coffee with Larry Quicksall

Latest Episodes

534 - Changing Your Brain - 5-3-2022
May 03, 2022

Did you know that your brain can change based upon what you are focusing on? In today’s podcast we’re gonna look at some possible traits that you may have unintentionally trained your brain to see. Will also look at how you can change any negative pattern

533 - The Resurrection - 4-17-2022
April 17, 2022

Happy Easter everyone! Today I want to share with you a reading from the gospel of Luke regarding the resurrection of Jesus the Christ as a way to start your Easter morning. --- Send in a voice message:

532 - 5 Wonderful Character Traits - 4-7-2022
April 07, 2022

This past week I’ve been thinking on deeper topics and came across a meme that kind of ties in to what I’ve been thinking about. Join with me today as we look at five wonderful character traits that we should be practicing every day of our life. --- Se

531 - Eyes to See - 3-24-2022
March 24, 2022

Today I wanna share with you a four-part prayer that I think can make a big difference in your life. --- Send in a voice message:

530 - Student and Teacher - 3-10-2022
March 10, 2022

If you are a student, do you want to be corrected if you are doing an assignment wrong? Lest’s see where this question leads us today! --- Send in a voice message:

529 - You Have Control of This - 3-2-2022
March 02, 2022

When things seem out of control, and maybe you don’t know how to react, remember how you respond to a situation makes all the difference. That’s today’s topic, so grab your coffee and let’s discuss it. --- Send in a voice message:

528 - Anxiety and War in Ukraine - 2-26-2022
February 26, 2022

It’s very easy to feel anxious over what is happening this week in Ukraine. Today I want to share with you some of my suggestions regarding coping with the events taking place in Europe, the fears you may be having about it escalating, and what can you lo

527 - Memories of Mom - 2-11-2022
February 11, 2022

It’s been six months since mom passed away, and I thought I would share some of my thoughts and memories about her. --- Send in a voice message:

526 - Worry vs Concern - 2-9-2022
February 09, 2022

When you watch and read the news whether it is on a local, national, or international level there’s a possibility of a lot of change. Some of this change doesn’t look to be good, which can very easily lead to worry. So what do you do about the bad things

525 - Memories and Experiences - 1-26-2022
January 26, 2022

Learning life lessons from old friends. Here is also the link for the 97yo pianist. --- Send in a
