Morning Coffee with Larry Quicksall

Morning Coffee with Larry Quicksall

Latest Episodes

Episode 453 - Challenging Transitions and You Need Me Every Moment - 12/14/2020
December 14, 2020

Good Morning and Good Coffee!  Life is full of transitions, and this year is making some of those challenges very "challenging"!  Whether you are going through those transitions or it is a child that is graduating college, you will likely find t

Episode 452 - Appreciation, Trust and Thankfulness - 12/11/2020
December 11, 2020

Good morning and good coffee!  Can you be inspired by a morning sky that looks like cotton candy?  I was this morning, and it taught me an important lesson on appreciation that I share with you.  In our devotional study we will look at two

Episode 451 - Starship Test & Your True Center - 12/10/2020
December 10, 2020

Good morning and good coffee!  This morning I want to share with you my excitement regarding the SpaceX launch yesterday of the test prototype of Starship and lessons we can apply from the fiery explosion at the end of its flight.  Then in our d

Episode 450 - Sooth Yourself & Feeling Weighed Down - 12/9/2020
December 09, 2020

Good morning and good coffee!  With the Christmas rush upon us and feelings of stress and distress all around, you may need to take some time for yourself and practice some self-soothing behaviors.  In today's podcast I will teach you a few that

Episode 449 - Memory Components & I Am With You - 12/8/2020
December 08, 2020

Good Morning and Good Coffee!  Today I want to talk about some of the components of memories and how they can impact us at the time a memory is created and how it can impact us into the future.  For our devotional study we will look at the promi

Episode 448 - Christmas Traditions & Devotional Study - 12/7/2020
December 07, 2020

Good morning and good coffee!  I'm tweeking the format a little bit to include a bit of the old and new.  In part one I share with you my thoughts about Christmas decorating and traditions in the time of Covid when things done seem quite right.

Episode 447 - Quiet Trust - 12/4/2020
December 04, 2020

Good Morning and Good Coffee!  In today's world it is so easy to become frustrated when he have to wait.  Idle, unproductive time.  Hurry up and wait.  What could be worse than sitting in a waiting room with no wifi or cell service! &n

Episode 446 - Come to Me - 12/3/2020
December 03, 2020

Good morning and good coffee!  What kind of a person does God want?  Strong, hansom, beautiful, graceful?  Nope.  He wants people with weaknesses, brokenness, limitations, etc.  Why? Because when we are weak, broken, or limited we

Episode 445 - Give Yourself Fully - 12/1/2020
December 01, 2020

Good Morning and Good Coffee!  What is the best way to face the worries and anxieties about what is on the road ahead of you?  Keep your focus on you daily Companion and give yourself fully to Him.  What do I mean?  Have a listen to to

Episode 444 - Peace Be With You - 11/30/2020
November 30, 2020

Good Morning and Good Coffee!  Peace Be With You!  What an interesting greeting that Jesus used when meeting with his disciples following the resurrection.  He didn't say "Hey, look at me.  I'm not dead anymore."  He pronounced "p
