Monolithreviews' Podcast

Monolithreviews' Podcast

Latest Episodes

Monolith: Halloween Special - Night of the Living Dead
October 26, 2008

Welcome to a very special Halloween episode of the Monolith Podcast. Since Halloween is one of our favorite times of the year, we here at Monolith wanted to do a truly unique and memorable show. So...we decided to make a podcast where we talk over a movie

Monolith - Episode 9 (10-19-08 UFC 89 & NFL Week 7)
October 19, 2008

Okay, so UFC 89 may not have been the greatest MMA event of all time, but at least it was free. The lack of marquee fighters and a preponderance of slow, methodical contests really dragged this card down. Yet these troubling facts do little to deter Shawn

Monolith - Episode 8 (10-11-08)
October 11, 2008

After our last show, Chuck and I are back with a vengeance! On this genetically enhanced episode, we're talking about stuff that really matters...movies and football. Political talk is nowhere to be found and the show is better as a result. In Episode 8,

Monolith - Episode 7 (10-7-08 Presidential Debate)
October 07, 2008

Eh..., they can't all be home runs. Today's episode recaps the second presidential debate between Barack Obama and John McCain. Our overall lack of enthusiasm and indifference in this episode should give you an idea of how these two candidates came across

Monolith - Episode 6 (Elite XC - NFL Picks)
October 04, 2008

Elite XC...what can I say? Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock didn't happen, but it was an entertaining show. Shawn joins me tonight to recap an event that had some good (Murilo "Ninja" Rua vs. Benji Radach), some average (Jake Shields vs. Paul Daley), and most

Monolith - Episode 5: Vice Presidential De
October 02, 2008

This show is filled with political dynamite! Shawn and Chuck join me to recap tonight's debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Our resident political junkie, Chuck (who knew?) recommended we do a show on the Vice Presidential debate. I agreed, assuming

Monolith Podcast - Episode 4: Warhammer Online
September 28, 2008

Absence makes the heart grow fonder (or so they say.) It's been a while, but we're back! As always, this show is filled to the brim with total nonsense. In today's episode, Chuck and I discuss: * Warhammer Online * Judicial injustice * Paul Newman (R.I.P

Monolith Podcast - Episode 3: Potpourri
August 17, 2008

After an extended break, we're back! Chuck and I decide to just shoot the breeze and talk about whatever comes to mind. This is quite the show, topics are covered, opinions put forth and laughs ensue. Episode 3 includes: * Chuck's Summer Movie Review

Monolith Podcast - Episode 2: Dark Knight Review
July 20, 2008

Here we are with a review of the best film of the year, THE DARK KNIGHT!!! As you might guess, we enjoyed this film. As always, we breakdown the entire movie in excruciating detail. The topics of discussion include:>The awesomeness that is Health Ledger's

Monolith Podcast - Episode 1
July 13, 2008

Here we go, the first episode of the Monolith Podcast. As with any new venture, we experience some bumps in the road, yet I consider it a successful first show nonetheless (I may have a slight basis.) In this episode, we review Undead. Chuck and I couldn'
