Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 036

June 09, 2017

Have you ever wanted to scale your sales team and get big? Then this episode of Monday sales Coach is for you!
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How To Scale a Sales Team
We all want to get big. We all want to grow up and be the big girls or boys on the block, right?
Growth is what it’s all about in the world of business.
Growth is the goal.
But there ain’t no growth without a highly functioning sales team.
This episode is going to break down how to scale a sales team in today’s modern sales world.
I’m not going to start this topic with how to hire more sales people or how to add new processes, or how to change the culture or hire a CRO or, or, or. I’m gonna start in a place you’re probably not expecting.
When it comes to scaling a sales organization, the first question that must be answered is, why?
Why do you want to scale the sales team?
I know what you’re thinking.  What kinda question is that?  The answer is obvious. You want to scale to grow faster, make more money, get more clients, etc. Sadly, these are the wrong answers, and it’s these answer that gets too many companies in trouble.
The reason for scaling a sales team can NOT because you WANT to grow. It must be because you can no longer grow as you are currently structured. Leadership should only be considering scaling if they can no longer grow or they anticipate they will no longer be able to grow in the current environment.  (For the sake of clarity, I’m defining scaling a sales organization as a fundamental restructure to accelerate revenue growth. I don’t consider simply hiring a few more sales people as a scaling.)
In business, there hopefully comes a time when your current structure and way of going to market no longer works. You are unable to drive the leads, close the deals, penetrate the territory, capture new industries, etc. Your current sales environment is tapped out or getting tapped out, and the desired growth can not be achieved if you don’t change.
This is the only time scaling should be considered and here in lies the first lesson.
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I know it seems like a rather simple question, but you’d be surprised. Scaling a sales organization requires that you know why your current sales structure and the team are unable to continue growing and therefore what needs to change. This question must be addressed first. It needs to be answered with tremendous clarity and thought.
Until you know why your sales team’s growth has stunted or will be tapped out soon, you will not know why you need to scale.
There are a few reasons why sales teams need to scale because they’ve run out of runway.
The Key Reasons for stunted Sales growth
When a sales team taps out and is unable to grow any further, it can typically be attributed to a handful or key elements.  By understanding which of these your organization is struggling with, allows you to restructure the team for growth properly and not exacerbate the problem.
The market has changed. 
Market changes can come in many different forms, increased competition, less greenfield, governmental mandates, market maturity, commoditization, increased options or solutions and more. When a market goes through a fundamental change, existing sales forces are rarely able to maintain their momentum as they were not designed to sell into that type of market.
This can be seen in startups who are first to market. With a heavy emphasis on first to market advantages, these companies leverage relationships, word of mouth, press,
