Mom UP

Mom UP

MomUP Finale | Where I've Been & What's Next

November 27, 2018

Hello dear friends. Today is bittersweet. I'm sharing with you the finale episode including a very raw and even emotional update as to what happened with the podcast and what's happening next. I just want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart who have supported me and showed up and gave me your time. You have meant so much to me and I honestly feel honored to have shared this with you. If you are someone who has listened from the beginning and is interested in keeping up with me in the future, I hope you will find me on social media or use the link below to continue connecting with me there. But most of all I just want to say a huge THANK YOU for your support. You guys make my world go 'round!

If you are interested in following me onto my next venture, you can find me here :)
