Mommy's Cocktail Hour

Mommy's Cocktail Hour

#109 - Hot Toddy

November 16, 2014

This week we sip on Hot Toddy’s and talk about quick cleaning tips.  We listen to a few listener voicemails, thanks so much to Dina and Veronica for calling in, we love to hear from you ladies!

Fabulous Finds

Beth – Big Hero 6 (and “feast†before film)

Lindsay – Smart Food Buffalo Cheddar Popcorn,  Zebra Popcorn

Tawny – Sleep Cycle App

Fit Tip:  Exercises You Can Do While Cleaning

Quick Cleaning Tips

Beth – Polish Chrome – cotton swab and alcohol on it.

Krissi – Get organized, kids help out if they can, little bits here and there when you can.

Lindsay – Make the kids do it, coffee filters for windows

Tawny – Water to clean your mirrors

Kelly –  I keep a dishwashing wand in my shower. Fill it with half white vinegar and half blue dawn dish soap. Once a week or so, I scrub out my tub while showering. Tile and tub stay so clean with very little time and effort.

Next week we’ll be sharing recorded snippets of what our kids are thankful for, please send us your kids voicemails through the Speakpipe app,


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