Mommy Jammies

Mommy Jammies

Mommy Jammies Night - Shirley Solis

April 08, 2014

“Why You Were Told Being a SuperMom is a Myth and Why They Lied to Youâ€

Moms are often told they are not supermom…as if being a supermom is a myth! Really???!!! You mean it’s not super to not get any sleep through the night and still get up early to feed your family breakfast, do laundry, clean the house, do school with the kids, work, make lunch, make dinner, drive the kids around, keep romance in marriage and still manage to make it out alive? Being a supermom is not a myth…YOU ARE SUPER! And Shirley is going to re-affirm who you already are…and her goal is to finally get you to believe it! Finally…someone who acknowledges who you really are and does not try to make you less than what you are worth!

Shirley Solis is on a family mission, along with her husband of 20 years and their 6 children (ages 18 to 4), to ignite the next generation of powerful families to live with purpose, passion and contribution. Her passions include family, culture and business. These are clearly reflected in her most recent works, which include Building Character with Children (an online training course for parents), her best-selling cookbook Not Just Tacos and her VIP Program for Mompreneurs. If you are ready for transparency, vulnerability and a little Latin flair, then you are gonna love this episode.

Shirley has a parenting webinar that focuses on building character in your children. It’s great stuff!  3 free videos with some awesome parenting tips (building new habits, teaching your children to do chores and more!)

The post Mommy Jammies Night – Shirley Solis appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network.
