Mom Inspired Show with Amber Sandberg
Stop the weight loss cycle: Amber Sandberg: 301
What if you could have peace and confidence knowing you don't have to keep doing this crazy cycle of weight loss.
Today, I am talking about the possibility of living a life without the constant weight loss cycle. Do you feel like your food is your only go to? That you can't trust yourself? Do you feel like you don't know how to deal with this problem? If you do have any of these thoughts, I talk about having a tool kit that could help you with weight loss so that you don't have to rely on food to solve your problems and give you the self confidence that you need to live the life you truly want. What if you could get results that you love, not just in weight loss but building the life you want so that you don't rely on weight loss to be the only thing that brings you fulfillment. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast.
Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind? Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal? I can help you tune into your body's hunger and fullness without feeling deprived. I can teach you not only how to lose weight for good but how to sustain that weight loss. So if you are tired of being tired and not losing weight then you are in the right place. I will give you tips that you can start using the moment we get off the call.
Set up your free 30 minute coaching session today at and if you can't find a time that works for you email me at you can find all this information in the show notes, can't wait to meet you.
If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I did where I talk about how you are worth it: