Mom And Doc Talk Podcast

Mom And Doc Talk Podcast

Top Tips To Get Your Baby to Sleep: A Parent Survival Guide

September 26, 2022

Do you find yourself up at all hours of the night because your baby just can’t seem to fall asleep? Are you exhausted and desperate for some sleep of your own? It’s no secret that getting your baby to sleep through the night can be a challenge. Figuring out the best way to do it can feel overwhelming. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to getting your baby to sleep– every child and family is different. You are not alone! If you’re looking for some advice, or trying to figure out even where to begin, here are some tips from the experts that might help make things a little easier for you..and get you some sleep, too!


Mom And Doc Talk

Season 1 : Episode 19

Top Tips To Get Your Baby to Sleep: A Parent Survival Guide

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The health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on:

* What mom would do

* What dad would do and

*What a pediatrician would say

Here, you get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively.

Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician.

Mom and doc talk is hosted by Dr. Christopher Haines, a dad a pediatrician with 20 years of experience; and Azure Sullivan, a mom, professional organizer and a chemist.

Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place.

Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health.

Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction.
