Mixed Bag: Culture, Adoption and the Transracial Family

Mixed Bag: Culture, Adoption and the Transracial Family

Episode 2: The Culturally Competent Adoptive Parent

July 07, 2018

Seventeen years ago, Professor and licensed clinical social worker, Betsy Vonk, created a list of 39 recommendations for how adoptive parents could improve racial awareness, help their adoptive children connect with their culture, and develop survival skills for themselves and their children. Professor Vonk and I discussed her research, whether she would add anything to her list today, and what resources she recommends, especially for adoptive parents of children from Asian descent. Below are links to some of her recommendations:

REPORT: Cultural Competence for Transracial Adoptive Parents: http://mha.ohio.gov/Portals/0/assets/Learning/CulturalCompetence/Subgroups/Transracial%20Adoptive%20Parents/Full%20Articles/CC.transracial.adoptive.parents.pdf

Cultural Korean American Adoptive Family Network: http://www.kaanet.org/
John Raible Online—Exploring adoption, race & social justice: https://johnraible.wordpress.com/
Gazillion Voices: https://gazillionvoices.com/
W.I.S.E. Up! PowerBook: http://adoptionsupport.org/store/wise-up-sm-powerbook/
Pact—An Adoption Alliance: http://www.pactadopt.org/app/servlet/HomePage
North American Council on Adoptable Children: https://www.nacac.org/
