Cinema Misfits

Cinema Misfits

Episode 79: Thor: The Dark World, Ender’s Game, and 12 Years a Slave

November 25, 2013


6 ‘n 90!  Da Man reviews six films in ninety seconds.


Thor: The Dark World.
  Hollywood has its own version of the Asgardian
Convergence.  Every so often the availability of A-list actors aligns
with a confused script, two hundred million dollars, and a green light,
resulting in a blockbuster motion picture.  Portals open at movie
theaters all over the world, and huge amounts of money are sucked into
the studio coffers.


Ender’s Game.  Given the success of this film, it’s not likely to
end here, and that’s a good thing—both for fans of the book and


12 Years A Slave.  42, The Butler, and 12 Years a Slave
were all based on true stories, resulting in well-meaning, but often
uneven and frustrating films.  Maybe it’s time to see if an act of the
imagination expressed in an out-and-out piece of fiction can encompass
and do justice to the black experience in America.

Thanks for listening!  We’ll be back in three weeks.
