Ministry Minded • Presented by The Majesty's Men

Ministry Minded • Presented by The Majesty's Men

Ministry Minded Episode 11 with David Brady

November 23, 2016

Episode 11 of "Ministry Minded" features David Brady

In this week's episode, David Brady joins the show to talk with Brad to talk about life and God's leading, especially in the difficult decision of leaving a ministry. How does one navigate the transition from one ministry to the next? How honest is too honest for pastors? And how is ministry different from what we think it is? This and more is touched on in this week's show.

David is one of the student pastors for North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, GA. There he engages with middle school students with the gospel of God's free grace. He mostly stays away from social media (which is commendable), but you can stay up-to-date with David via Instagram by following him @drbrady12.


Jesus + Nothing = Everything, Tullian Tchividjian The Grace of God, Andy Stanley The Explicit Gospel, Matt Chandler Grace: So Much More Than You Know & So Much Better Than You Think, Brad J. Gray


Many thanks to Ryan Northfield for engineering and editing this episode. Thanks for all your efforts Ryan! Your work is greatly appreciated!


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