Mind Of The Geek Radio Network

Mind Of The Geek Radio Network

Happy Mothers’ Day, the future of ‘Star Wars’ video games and more - Mind Of The Geek Podcast Ep. 57

May 09, 2013

Happy Mothers’ Day! Brett’s mom stops by to share about the fun in raising a geek (like Mom attempting to play Nintendo), GM wants to put ads in your car, and EA handling Star Wars is awesome, so quit your bitchin’!

Happy Mothers’ Day! In our special Mothers’ Day episode, the guys are joined by Brett’s mom where she shares how it takes a patient woman to raise a geek! Hear all the embarrassing stories about Brett’s childhood, along with other great stories from Tobias, Joe, and Shawn about their mothers. We love you Mom! In the second half we discuss EA taking over the Star Wars video game license, and how everyone needs to quit their bitchin’ about it because it’s awesome. We also discuss GM putting ads in your vehicle display, because you know, that’s safe.
