Mimblewimble - The Harry Potter Podcast

Mimblewimble - The Harry Potter Podcast

10. Ron rescues Harry (Season 2!)

June 20, 2018

We are excited to begin season 2 of Mimblewimble where we will be discussing Book 2 of the Harry Potter series: The Chamber of Secrets.

In the first episode of season 2, we are going to discuss the events leading up to Ron rescuing Harry. Why did he need rescuing when it's just the beginning of the book? Well, Harry is back at Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia's place. He is bored out of him mind and lonely because none of his friends wrote to him whole summer. Because he is with his relatives, he has to participate in a very hyped up dinner with Uncle Vernon's potential customer. 'Participate' is a strong word as all he has to do his hide in his bedroom and pretend he doesn't exist. 

Things would have been okay, boring but okay, had it not been for the sudden appearance of the house elf, Dobby. Dobby is a funny little creature with a terrible fashion sense. He warns Harry against going to Hogwarts that year as horrible things are about to happen there. Harry is dismayed. He would rather be adventurous and have multiple near-death experiences than stay at his Aunt's and be bored out of his mind. 

But Dobby doesn't empathize. Turns out, he's been blocking all of Harry's letters too. He tries to force Harry to promise that he won't go back to Hogwarts (Tough love!) When he refuses, Dobby uses his own brand of magic to bring Aunt Petunia's pudding crashing down on the kitchen floor and then, he disappears. 

This event invokes an official warning from the Ministry of Magic. Though the appearance of the owl scares away the potential customers, Uncle Vernon is overjoyed to find out that Harry is not allowed to do magic.

What happens next leads of Ron coming to Harry's rescue.
