mhghoultalk's Podcast

mhghoultalk's Podcast

Ghoul Talk Episode 24: Robecca Steam

December 03, 2014

1. Discuss Robecca ’s character in the MH universe, her Background, where she comes from etc
2. Physical description of Robecca

3. How many doll styles have been produced
-Which is your favorite version
5. Family
- Parents?
, siblings?
6. Translation from her “monster�
7. is she in the Lisi Harrison books and/or the diaries? From Ghoulfriends?
8. She seems to “steam a lot†where does all that water come from?
9. Love interests?
10. What do we know about her extracurricular activities?(Michelle)
11. NEW doll review by Melissa
12. Reminders about feedback from fans to Post in the main forum at the mharena and don’t forget to send in a message for dear Abbey!!(Topher)
13. North American news with Amanda

Show notes
