Metagamers Anonymous

Metagamers Anonymous

MetAnon Ep263 – A GEN CONversation

September 21, 2021

In our 263rd regular episode of Metagamers Anonymous, Erik is joined by Dan from CarpeGM for a candid conversation at Gen Con 2021. They talk about some of their Gen Con gaming experiences, observations about the con, and impressions regarding the game industry in the wake of the pandemic. Dan also highlights a number of games he demoed at the con. Metagamers Anonymous is a podcast dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games and (mostly) related material. To join the conversation, drop us a line at

Hosts: Erik and Dan

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Links from the show:

CarpeGM Digital Entertainment (Website)Ptolus: City by the Spire (RPG Setting)Nations & Cannons (RPG)Dinosaur World (Board Game)Picture Perfect (Board Game)Million Dollar Script (Board Game)Sagrada (Board Game)Crumbs (Board Game)
