Mentoring Ministry – Dr. Bob Abramson

Mentoring Ministry – Dr. Bob Abramson

“I Am” Had All Power. “I Am Not” Had No Power

August 22, 2014

When they came to arrest Jesus, He asked them whom they were seeking, knowing it was Him. Their reply was “Jesus of Nazareth.†Jesus said, “I am He.†The power of those words “I am†was so strong that His enemies “drew back and fell to the ground.†This indicates the power of the Lord was never diminished from then all the way through His death on the cross. John 18:4b, 6 (NKJV) says, ““Whom are you seeking?†{5} They answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.†Jesus said to them, “I am He  {6} Now when He said to them, “I am He,†they drew back and fell to the ground.â€Â Jesus’ reply to those who arrested Him was a glaring contrast from Peter’s three denials of the Lord. When the servant girl asked Peter if He was a disciple of Jesus, He said, “I am not!†He repeated his denial twice more. What a complete difference and lost opportunity. The Lord had used “I Am†eight times previously to declare His divinity and majesty. He never surrendered it when arrested, beaten or crucified. He remained in complete control of the outcome. Contrast this with Peter, who fearfully surrendered the only words that could have strengthened him at the time. The contrast illustrates that “I am†was full of power and  “I am not†was empty, futile and powerless. We can take away an important lesson from this. It was never the power of His enemies that crucified Him. It was the power of His divine love for us. I’m Dr. Bob. Let your confession always be, ‘‘I am’ a disciple of Jesus. I walk in the grace, favor and power of the Most High, who is Christ the Lord.â€

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