Mental Poison LIVE

Mental Poison LIVE

Mental Poison Episode 77

January 14, 2013

Get Well Soon Jeff, Bizzy's Prank Call, Manmilk Float, Messing with Telemarketers, Movie Theater Bro Bumper, Bring Back the Chilito, Olivia Wilde Butthole Rights, Channing Titanium, Celebrity Scandal Trivia, Blue Waffle Hole, Punched Over Pickles, Micky's Naked Tackle, Double Dicked, Size Matters, Dream Superbowl, Ball Nipples, Interior Crack House Decorator, Dead Hooker Storage Wars, Venture Capitalist Dummy, When Celebrities Attack, Killer Bee Silos, Huxtable Sweater, White Chocolate Semen, Hentai Attributes, Mayo Catalyst, Twopics and More.

Date: 1-14-13

Mental Poison LIVE Season 04 Episode #02

Listen LIVE Mondays at 8pm EST
