Understanding the Term Meditation and It’s Many Benefits - Meditation Life Skills Podcast

December 04, 2017

The subject of the benefits of meditation can be confusing and even be intimidating to some people. Meditation is an art form that dates back thousands of years.
It is well known for being a practice that monks and other religious people participated in for the many benefits of meditation.
Today meditation is associated with many health benefits for the mind and the body. It is being used more widely, and what most people don't know, is that there is more than one form of meditation.

The best way to describe meditation is by this; it is a practice that allows a person to train their mind to a better way of thinking. This could be to stop focusing on the past and let things go or to develop a more positive mindset.

The practice of meditation allows you to learn how to relax your mind and your body. It can help you develop a new life force, also known as gi, ki, and prana. At the same time, you can learn how to love again, have compassion, improve your generosity and to forgive things are just some of the benefits of meditation.

Buddhist monks used meditation on a daily basis and it helped them perform all of their rituals. They would use things like prayer beads to help them keep track of things that needed to be accomplished. As well they would touch their beads while saying mantras.

Many religions incorporate some form of meditation into their beliefs.

It is often used to help clear the mind and to sync your body and mind together. Mantras were often performed while in a sitting position and helped a person develop a calm state of mind.

The goal is to relax your mind and become totally aware of your thoughts and feelings. This can be done by clearing your mind and only thinking about one thing at a time. You may wish to focus on things like losing weight or forgiving someone for a recent action they took.

Today it is recognized that meditation can be done in many ways with tons of benefits.

Taking part in yoga is one way to experience the benefits of meditation. Kneeling or sitting and repeating phrases or quotes, is yet another way. It is even possible to meditate while walking, and numerous people actually perform it this way.

While at one time there may have been strict guidelines and expectations for meditation. Today how you meditate and where is more of a personal choice. You want to choose a location and position that is comfortable for you, and one that allows you not to be disturbed to realize the greatest benefits of meditation.
