The Notorious MJC

The Notorious MJC

Latest Episodes

MJC1.20 Public Outrage
September 07, 2016

What do Michael Brown, Harambe, and Colin Kaepernick all have in common?

MJC1.19 Theology Thursday
September 01, 2016

1These are the words of the Teacher, King David’s son, who ruled in Jerusalem. Everything Is Meaningless 2“Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!” 3What do people get for all their hard work under the sun? 4Generations com

MJC1.18 A Tribe of Rad Dads with Walter Eggers
August 29, 2016

In this episode we discuss the need for a community of dads, the purpose of fatherhood, and where pain can take us in life.

MJC1.17 Theology Thursday
August 25, 2016

Are you putting anything else before God in your life? Would you even recognize it if you were?

MJC1.16 Beauty and the Beard: Relationship Needs
August 17, 2016

Matt and Sarah discuss the differing needs that men and women have in relationships and how we should all be lifelong students of each other. We’re on Facebook! Like us by following this link –>

MJC1.15 Harry Potter, The Force, and JOHN CENA!
August 12, 2016

And his name is JOHN CENA!

MJC1.14 Theology Thursday
August 11, 2016

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts

MJC1.13 Beauty and the Beard: Bad Church Advice
August 06, 2016

Youll find the person youre supposed to marry when you stop looking.

MJC1.12 Forgiveness in fatherhood with Rocco DeLeo
August 02, 2016

Todays Faith in Fatherhood podcast features Rocco DeLeo from The Real Dad Show. We talk forgiveness, the struggles associated with being dads who podcast, and how our lives have been changed by Jesus Christ.

How can a Christian vote Libertarian?
July 27, 2016

In the inaugural episode of The Lampstand, host Matthew J. Cochran and his recurring guest, Jeremy Bunge, address some arguments made by Republicans in regards to the decriminalization of drugs and prostitution, pro-choice candidates, gambling, and of co
