KBXL 94.1 The Voice

KBXL 94.1 The Voice

Latest Episodes

Matt with Dan Barker
December 02, 2015

Matt is talking with Atheist Dan Barker. Dan was PR Director of the Freedom From Religion Foundation from 1987 to 2004. He was elected co-president of the Foundation with Annie Laurie Gaylor in 2004, with whom he is co-host of Freethought Radio, a nation

Roman Catholicism
December 01, 2015

Matt takes a show to talk about Roman Catholicism.

Islam Statistics
November 30, 2015

Matt takes some time to answer questions on Islam and gives us some different statistics on Muslims and Islamic links to terrorism. Click the Link for the article Matt refers to on carm.org and#8211; https://carm.org/islamic-muslim-statistics-on-violence

The Origin of Jihad
November 25, 2015

Matt Slick is in talking about Islam and Jihad.

November 24, 2015

Matt Slick answers questions pertaining to predestination and election. Hear what Matt has to say about this difficult subject.

Reliability of Scripture and The Call to Ministry
November 23, 2015

Matt answers questions pertaining to the reliability of Scripture. He also talks about the internal and external call to ministry.

The Security of Salvation
November 20, 2015

Matt answers questions pertaining to Salvation and the definition of Marriage.

Islam Pt. 2
November 18, 2015

Matt continues talking about Islam, reading from the Hadith and the Koran.

November 17, 2015

Matt takes time today to talk about Islam and the prophet Mohammad and quotes from the Koran.

Election, Free Will, and Eternal Security
November 16, 2015

Matt takes some time to teach what election, Free Will and Eternal Security are in a Reformed Context.
