KBXL 94.1 The Voice

KBXL 94.1 The Voice

Latest Episodes

March 16, 2016

Is Macroevolution really as scientific as many claim? Do many step over from science to faith when they begin to talk about the evidence for Macroevolution? Listen in and hear Matt’s thoughts as he discusses Macroevolution.

Who Are You to Say What is Good and Evil?
March 15, 2016

Many people may say God is cruel and unjust? However, who are they to say God is unjust? Are unbelievers the ultimate judge of what is right and wrong? Doesn’t God have the right to do with his creation what he very well pleases? Matt addresses the

Our Responsibility in Sharing the Gospel
March 14, 2016

Does being Reformed change the way we preach the Gospel? Do we need to package it in a different way? Do we need to present it differently? There are different nuances when preaching the Gospel from a Reformed perspective and Matt shares what some of tho

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Confirmed a Messiah!!
March 11, 2016

Matt is reading some Wack-O Mail today and there are some good ones!

My Son’s Birthday
March 10, 2016

Matt takes sometime to about the birth of his Son who was alive for a half-hour before the Lord had taken him to heaven. Pain and suffering exists for everybody in this world. The evidence of the fall is all around us and all we can do is point to the Cr

Are You Keeping Yourself Saved?
March 09, 2016

Why do Christians and Churches seem to shoot our own wounded? Are we counseling and consoling those who are hurting? Or are we looking down our noses and condemning those who are “less Holy”?

Politics & A Jehovah’s Witness’ Funeral
March 08, 2016

Matt receives a call from someone denouncing Trump for President and takes some time to talk about politics. He also hears a story of someone attending a Jehovah’s Witness’ funeral and asks how he might witness to his family.

Chad Prigmore: Recovery by the Gospel
March 07, 2016

Chad Prigmore is on the show today talking about the Heresy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Celebrate Recovery (CR). The only real recovery we can receive is by the Gospel through Jesus Christ. Listen in and learn how CR takes scripture and misapplies i

Mormonism Unvailed and Was Jesus Born Again?
March 04, 2016

Mormonism Unvailed is a book published by Eber D. Howe. It is considered to be the first anti-Mormon book published in 1834. Matt also discusses whether or not Jesus had to be born again and reads some good Wack-O-Mail.

Is the Church for Unbelievers?
March 03, 2016

So often today churches cater to the unbeliever welcomed into the church. However, is the primary goal of the Church to attract unbelievers or to strengthen and encourage believers?  
