Masters Milers

Masters Milers

Strength Running with Jason Fitzgerald

May 23, 2019

My guest today on the Masters Milers Podcast is Jason Fitzgerald. I came across Jason as I was getting ready to launch this podcast and started listening to other running-related podcasts to prepare. Jason has a podcast called Strength Running where he interviews everyone from elites like Deena Kastor and Craig Engels, to experts on weight training, nutrition, and the science of running. Although Jason isn’t yet a masters runner himself, he coaches plenty of masters runners and it’s evident from his podcast and website that he has a wealth of knowledge about strength training for runners, injury prevention, recovery and the like. Since I got a lot of positive feedback about the recent episode with Pete Magill, I wanted to have more people on the show who can share practical advice that’s applicable to all runners, especially us masters. I’m personally a big believer in the benefits of strength training for runners, regardless of whether you are a sprinter, a middle distance runner or a marathoner. I think a lot of the advice and information Jason gives both on his website and podcast is great so I encourage you to check them out if you get the chance. And remember to subscribe to the Masters Milers podcast on iTunes, Google Play or Spotify and leave us a review so more people can find out about the show. 

Jason’s website:

Strength Running podcast:

You can catch the latest episode of the podcast on iTunes so subscribe and leave a five-star review. We are also on Google Play,TuneIn and now Spotify!
